The Personal is Public: Chen Zhou, Li Ran, Zheng Huan

21 May - 26 June 2011
AIKE-DELLARCO is pleased to announce the upcoming group show “The Personal is Public” (from May 21 to June 26, 2011), which will feature new multimedia installation works by young artists Chen Zhou, Li Ran, and Zheng Huan.
The rise of microblogs, like Twitter and Weibo, has changed people’s way of life and interactions on the sly. With these kinds of social media, everyone can record information or express their opinions, and in a scattered and fragmentary way spread word on decentralized platforms where everyone is equal. Professionals in the art world have equally joined in this wave; in various discursive forms such as texts, photos, videos, and sound, they have been actively participating in various public events currently taking place, in order to express positions and unleash their own ideas. For independent artists who create on their own, their works constitute the most fundamental reflection and criticism of this society; from a larger perspective, creative works are an artist’s social views.