Condo Shanghai: Ajarb Bernard Ategwa, Grace Weaver, Wang Xiaoqu

7 July - 26 August 2018

For the first edition of Condo Shanghai, AIKE is pleased to host Peres Projects, Koppe Astner and Soy Capitan and present the exhibition featuring three emerging artists: Ajarb Bernard Ategwa, Grace Weaver and Wang Xiaoqu. Each of the artists from different continent explores the theme of figure painting with distinct approaches.


About Condo

In 2016, Vanessa Carlos (Carlos/Ishikawa) founded Condo London as a way to offer international galleries a site for creative collaboration and exchange. It has since expanded to New York, Mexico City, São Paulo, and Shanghai. Condo will finally come to Shanghai in July 2018. “Condo” — taken from “Condominium” (com “together” and dominium “right of ownership”, referring to a territory formally shared by different powers) — is a new format for international galleries to collaborate in exhibition-making. This inaugural edition of Condo Shanghai will include nine participating local galleries from Shanghai, which will welcome and share their spaces with thirteen international galleries, displaying major works by artists they represent alongside those of the invited galleries.