2008年9月4日 - 10月14日

"Revolving boundaries": this is the title of the artist-in-residence-program promoted and sponsored by the GALLERIA DELL'ARCO in Italy and China.


The program is articulated as follows: each year two foreign artists will spend a period of study in Shanghai and two Chinese artists will be instead guests of the Italian gallery. There they will be requested to produce a site-specific works of art, with strong ties to the territory. At the end of the in-residence-program, the results of their artistic research will be shown in an exhibition.


The first foreign artist to be invited in Shanghai is Domenico Mangano, Italian, a renown presence on the national and international art scene.


The ideas of migration, rotation, and evolution, in their material as well as in their abstract acceptions, are all contained in the expression "Revolving boundaries", shaped on one of the key features of the global cultural transformations.


"Revolving boundaries" aims at investigating the territory through the foreigner and the occasional traveller's glance. The encounter between the territory and the outsider's cultural baggage and personal imaginary world, will allow him/her to gather suggestions and ideas to be transformed into a creation intended at debunking clichés.

Domenico Mangano uses, as a procedural way of research, live recordings of lived experiences that he translates into video images and photographs, most of which are presented in sequential series. His research combines - without distinction - social and private issues, distant contexts and nearby places, unknown people and people with whom the artist has close relationships, revealing a disenchanted look upon a reality made out of an ordinary exceptionality.