YUN LANG PROJECT: Cao Shu, Cheng Ran, Chen Yongwei, Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, Cui Shaohan, DuZhen, Gao mingyan, Hao Xing, Huang Liya, Li Fuchun, Li Lin, Li Ming, Li Shenghua, Liao Fei, Lin Ke, Lu Yonglei, Lu Jiawei, Nie Shiwei, Ou Wenting, Shao Chun, Su Chang, Sui Changjiang,

2011年3月6日 - 4月10日

Galleria dell'Arco is pleased to present the contemporary documentary exhibition "Yun Lang Project" on March 6th.


The project, challenging 37 young artists from Shanghai and Hangzhou, has been held from 6 a.m. February 24th to 6 a.m. February 25th in Yun Lang , a village located in the countryside of Hangzhou. According to the concept of the project, each participant was invited to create some works in different medium within 24 hours, in the wild and hostile site of Yun Lang. The exhibition will shed light on their works and the experiences through the interaction between art and nature.


As the curator commented," This project embodies their efforts in creating art through different ways. It looks at what will happen to the creation when the conditions have changed. "