Wang Yi 1991

Born in 1991 in Shanghai, China, Wang Yi graduated from Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Art with an MFA. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.


Wang Yi's artistic creation focuses on the abstract expression of city and natural environment. His works discuss the transformation of painting’s form, material and concept. He tries to use the slow individual manual work to confront the mode of rapid production and consumption, and trace back his respect for the classical painting through the contemporary visual experience. Wang Yi’s artistic creation is typical of the new generation of Chinese abstract artists, many of whom choose to give up any obvious comments on politics or society in their artistic creations. Besides pure form of discussion, Wang Yi keeps some clues partially rooted in the real society and nature. By repeatedly combining simple structural elements in his works, Wang Yi discusses the social relationship between “individual and entirety”, and points out the mutual influences between  unit and collective, uniqueness and uniformity.


His recent solo exhibitions includes “Dark Light Bright Night”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2020; “Geometry Rules All Phenomena: Wang Yi”, Hive Centre for Contemporary Art, Shenzhen, China, 2018; “Inside and Outside: Claude Viallat & Wang Yi”, HdM Gallery, Beijing, China, 2018; “Yi Ri Guang”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Wang Yi”, HdM Gallery, Hangzhou, China, 2014; “Nothing”, J:Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2012.